​Power the Community An International Collage Day Competition
We challenged teams to design a sustainable power system capable of supplying energy to 2000 homes. The response was overwhelming, with 51 teams and 107 participants from a diverse range of countries including the US, India, Nigeria, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Germany, Turkey, Afghanistan, and France.
The competition showcased incredible innovation and problem-solving skills. Our judges had the difficult task of selecting three distinguished designs and one grand prize winner.

51 Teams

Word Wide Reach

107 Participants

4 Sponsors

Our Sponsors

Founding Sponsor
Founding Sponsor
Founding Sponsor
Software Sponsor
Our Judges
We are grateful to have our judges for "Power the Community” 2024
Our Winners
1. Creativity in Sustainability (Grand Prize)
Project Details
The Grand Prize, the “Energy Innovators Award” and $10,000, was awarded to Team “Creativity in Sustainability” in our inaugural "Power the Community" International College Design Competition.
The design challenge was to reimagine the energy infrastructure for a new community of 2,000 families, affordable on the combined salaries of a nurse and a schoolteacher. Rosemary and Shai's community in Mbizo, Kwekwe, Zimbabwe, features:
Solar power to supplement power from the grid, batteries to enhance reliability, and natural gas cooking.
Houses with natural ventilation and constructed from concrete made from fly ash sourced from a nearby power plant.·
An estimate 27% CO2e community lifecycle reduction, including embodied emissions and community transportation, versus other local communities.

Winning Price($10000)
The Grand Prize, the “Energy Innovators Award” and $10,000, was awarded to Team “Creativity in Sustainability” in our inaugural "Power the Community" International College Design Competition.
Team Certificate
​For their profound efforts in creating a community based on a affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for 2000 families.

Our Winners
2. Jelly Fish (Distinguish Design Urban Planning)
Project Details
​Congratulations Team Jelly Fish for winning "Distinguished Design – Urban Planning " and $7,000 in our inaugural "Power the Community" International College Design Competition.
Team Jelly Fish took on challenge of a redevelopment plan for Houston’s Near Northside Community that strove for Net Zero with regards to Energy, Water, and Waste. “We are looking to put the future of the community as the new frontrunners of an emerging energy biofuel (industry) to bring about a new wave of growth and prosperity…”

Winning Price($7000)
​Congratulations Team Jelly Fish for winning "Distinguished Design – Urban Planning " and $7,000 in our inaugural "Power the Community" International College Design Competition.
Team Certificate
​For their profound efforts in creating a community based on a affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for 2000 families.

Our Winners
3. Belrose Energy Co (Distinguish Design Next Generation)
Project Details
Congratulations Team Belrose Energy Company for winning "Distinguished Design – Next Generation" and $7,000 in our inaugural "Power the Community" International College Design Competition!
Team Belrose Energy Company proposed a new community on the hurricane swept island of Dominica featuring geothermal power from inactive volcanos, wind energy from a turbine, and hurricane-resistant homes. Electricity costs were estimated at $0.05 per kw-hour, a fourth of current prices reliant on imported fuels.

Winning Price($7000)
Congratulations Team Belrose Energy Company for winning "Distinguished Design – Next Generation" and $7,000 in our inaugural "Power the Community" International College Design Competition!
Team Certificate
​For their profound efforts in creating a community based on a affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for 2000 families.

Our Winners
4. Aerodynamos (Distinguish Design Bold Creativity)
Project Details
Congratulations Team AeroDynamos for winning "Distinguished Design – Bold Creativity" and $7,000 in our inaugural "Power the Community" International College Design Competition.
Our judges noted that Team AeroDynamos incorporated seven technologies into their “Multifaceted Approach to Create Sustainable Energy Ecosystem” which endeavors to revolutionize the energy landscape of Dakshina Kannada District, India.

Winning Price($7000)
Congratulations Team AeroDynamos for winning "Distinguished Design – Bold Creativity" and $7,000 in our inaugural "Power the Community" International College Design Competition.
Team Certificate
For their profound efforts in creating a community based on a affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for 2000 families